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playingTeamID: 1
ball on points: 1
redCount: 15
strokenBallsCount: 1
fallenRedCount: 2
wonPoints: 0
lostPoints: 0
someInTable: true
pottedBalls: 0
Team 1 Points: 4
Team 2 Points: 4
PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 4 4    
Begin shot: Player 1
Potted balls count: 2
Foul 4 points : Expected 1, but hit 5
Foul 4 points : causing the cue ball to miss all object balls
Foul 4 points : 5 was potted, while 1 was expected
ball.Points: 5
teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points: 1
fallenRedCount: 1
redCount: 15
Lost 4 points.
wonPoints: 0, lostPoints: 4
End shot: Player 1
Begin shot: Player 2
Potted balls count: 2
Foul 4 points : Expected 1, but hit 2
Foul 4 points : causing the cue ball to miss all object balls
Foul 4 points : 2 was potted, while 1 was expected
ball.Points: 2
teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points: 1
fallenRedCount: 2
redCount: 15
Lost 4 points.
wonPoints: 0, lostPoints: 4
End shot: Player 2
Begin shot: Player 1
Potted balls count: 0
wonPoints: 0, lostPoints: 0
End shot: Player 1















